Review #286: Bowmore 21 OB 1990s
Islay - 21 - Natural Color? - Chill-Filtered? - £500 at auction - 40%
Color - Tawny
Nose - Candied oranges, figs, leather, menthol, raisins, beeswax, rope, dried tea - Not really getting peat but I am getting funk
Palate - Fresh apples, oranges, raisins, leathers, honey due, mushrooms, factory smell - really fruity combined with these earth and like a chemical peat taste - not iodine like frog but fuel/coalish
Finish - Medium Long - Peaches, apricots, lemon drops, diesel fuel, shoe polish - starts out all fruit on the finish and then slowly fades to the chemical peat
Finish - Medium Long - Peaches, apricots, lemon drops, diesel fuel, shoe polish - starts out all fruit on the finish and then slowly fades to the chemical peat
Overall - 6 - This was the best Bowmore I have ever had. There was just tons of fruit on this guy. Then the peat came in, and it was a strange peat. It was chemically/mining like peat that I am not familiar with. Not medicinal, not smokey, but how I would picture a tank proving ground smelling like. Would I buy a bottle? At the current auction price of 500 quid, it is a hard pass. However, if available and at a retail price it would be worth picking up.
Rating system is price influenced as it is based on my shopping decisions when buying a bottle.
10 Best in Show
9 Great Dram for Special Occasions
8 Worthy of consistent spot in my collection
7 Worth picking up a bottle if in the mood
6 I would buy a bottle if it went on sale
5.5 I enjoyed it but will never be priced at where I would buy a bottle
5.5 I enjoyed it but will never be priced at where I would buy a bottle
5 I would drink it happily if offered
4 I would drink it if offered on the rocks
3 Maybe some soda will make this potable
2 I'll Pass
1 Toilet cleaner
Inclusive Ratings
Overall 6.2
Standard Deviation 0.96
Skew 0.51
Kurtosis -0.28
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